Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Research on Educational and Social Science
Question: Write an essay on Educational and Social Science? Answer: Introduction This study deals with research on educational and social science. In the current scenario, it is evident to conduct a relevant research on education that has various advantages in all phase of life. It is noticed that there are some of the educational ideals that includes, teaching, learning and the child itself (Seidman, 2013). These are the main attributes of education and it appears in an empirical form. Education research includes, reporting, discovering as well as representation of human experiences. This study lists the human experiences that is much external to the research and will form an empirical relationship with the purpose of study (Celik, 2014). Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to research on education and science and bring out the importance to the individuals (Bryman, 2012). The entire study indicates that how education can bring a change in the life of the people. After the research, it is easy to understand the following: Understanding the study of human subjects Purpose of education in the present world Methods implemented by the researcher Ethical understanding of the term education Research questions: What does the term education actually signifies? Is education simply training Is education simply learning Does education is about a set of individual or an institution as a whole Is education a product? Is education a service The above questions are answered in an empirical manner, it is related with the science as well, and it gives rise to new situations as well as relationship (Krathwohl, 2009). If these questions are answered and understood in a proper manner, then it is easy to go further with the education on research. Data collection strategies The data are collected from the various institution as well as professors who are into this sector from long years. Education is imparting quantitative enquiries that lead to various phenomena based upon the positivist theories. Education is needed by all in order to lead a peaceful life. It is of concern whether the research on education is to relate with the realm of quantitative or qualitative (Ritchie et al. 2013). Another question is related with the term paradigm that is another methodology that means lies between the positivism as well as constructivism. Another question arises during this research is whether the education system is scientific or not. Researcher pointed out that formal study of education started before the 20th century. This started when there was introduction of schools as well as departments for imparting education to the students. Schools are considered to be powerful instruments that lead to normalization as well as to dictate power to render individuals a s well as institutions (Krathwohl, 2009). The data collection is quantitative in nature and various seminars should be conducted to impact the advantages of education in the recent world. Target group The target group is the individuals who belong to below poverty line (Seer, 2014). Free education should be provided to them in order to provide an equal opportunity to them to face the world. It is important that the young children must have the basic education so that they can deal their life in a peaceful manner (Mertens, 2014). The need of quality education is required for each individual who are keen to learn. In the present scenario, it is noticed that schools has become more professional and deliver education to get money from the students. Effort should be made by the top authority to educate the poor children because then they can easily lead their life in a peaceful manner (Coupland et al. 2014). Government should target the individuals as well as families to educate them with the funds available to them. In the recent world, it is important that basic education need to be imparted within every child so that they can easily take decisions of their own without even dependent on others. Education helps us to remain self confident and independent that boost the confidence level as well. Ethical issues Families that belong to below poverty line could not afford to educate their children with basic education. This ultimately leads to child labor when the individual need to work at shops just to run their own family (Erickson, 2012). Ethically, the child future ruin and they have no exposure to the outer world on dealing life in a much better way. Children should have the motive to learn concepts that are taught to them in the school. Most of the child has a tendency to by heart the words in order to pass the examination. This is considered to be a misuse of quality education. Students should understand the concept and make ways to apply it in practical life (Anderson et al. 2015). It is a myth that education can solve the problems but we should also try to implement it in the real life as well. Moral values, respecting elders, etiquettes are something, which we should have within ourselves so that we can easily deal our life (Kelly et al. 2014). Education helps us to make strategic decisions and that is possible with critical thinking on a particular issue that is faced by us in the day-to-day running of the normal life (Smelser, 2013). Permission to access the target group Various nongovernmental associations are present who encourage free education to child who belongs to below poverty line (Bernard Bernard, 2012). Various conflicts will arise when dealing with the families as well. The families are of the opinion that education cannot help the child and that will lead to wastage of money as well. Due to lack of education, the families are not aware of the importance of education in the future world. Government should make ways to educate the child who are below the poverty child to reduce child labor problems. With quality education, individuals will be able to take strategic decisions for their life in the near future (Bhattacherjee, 2012). Compensation to participants The teachers or professors who impart free education must be encouraged with compensation as well that will encourage them as well to educate in a perfect manner. Imparting education is a good deed where people exchange their ideas and views to others that will help them to grow in the future (Gill, 2014). Motivation is required for the lecturer who is imparting free education to the students. It is noticed that individuals need recognition for their hard work, so it is required to compensate the participants who encourage quality education among children. Mitigation of issues The issues on education can be resolved only when there is proper education system where there is true sense of learning as well as teaching. The ethical issues are reduced if there is proper conduction of seminars that will address the people about the importance of education in the recent world. Practical life scenario need to be created that will display that how education helps us in each step of dealing with the life. Child labor and population issues can be easily solved if each individual get quality education in life. Recommendation I will recommend that education is essential for each individual so that they can lead their life in a peaceful manner. Education provides us to take the most critical decisions in our life to deal in a better manner (Kazdin, 2011). It is advisable to the government to impart free education to the child who belongs to low poverty line. It is also required to provide quality education that is mostly practical in nature. Students should not have a tendency to pass the examination, rather focus to understand the main concept of the study material and apply it in real life. Individuals should be well mannered, understand the value of family and friends as well as basic manners that will help to become a true citizen of the world (Waldrop, 2014). We should educate ourselves to take decisions by our own and get the best position in top multinational company. With the education, we get jobs as per our requirements and then help others in the group. Education helps us to work as a team, buil d a sense of responsiveness and honesty as well as integrity. Quality education makes us to look at matters in different way and try to solve it. Conclusion At the end of the study, it is noticed that education is required at all phases of life to deal a peaceful life. The study points out the targeted people who need the education in an urgent note. Various ethical issues are mentioned in the study due to lack of quality education. Families do not understand the value of education in the recent world that belongs to low poverty line. If individual make ways to educate him or herself and understand the underlying concept, they can contribute to the country as well. Education plays an important role in helping us to think critically for any specific matters. Reference List Anderson, L., Krathwohl, D., Bloom, B., Barrett, H. C., Die, N. S., Cant Imagine Death, W. W., Bering, J. (2015). Ainsworth, Mary DS, Blehar, Mary C., Waters, E., and Wall, Sally.(2014) Patterns of Attach-ment: A Psychological Study of the Strange Situation. New York, NY: Psychology Press. ALS Association.(2011, August)Astrocytes Toxic to Motor Neurons. ALS Association Newsletter. American Psychiatric Association.(2000) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor.Thinking about Thinking: Cognition, Science, and Psychotherapy, 245. Bernard, H. 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